В игре Обитель Зла 5 очень узкое после зрения – пол экрана занимает спина вашего персонажа.
К счастью в интернете (не без труда) нашелся мод, меняющее поле зрения на более удобное.
Оцените эффект на скриншоте из игры:
Инструкции по установке:
Скачайте и распакуйте upl00chrisnormal.zip и / или upl01shebanormal.zip
в папку Resident Evil 5\nativePC\Image\Archive, перезаписав оригинальные файлы.
I can’t get RE 5 FOV Mod to work, downloaded and extracted to Resident Evil 5\nativePC\Image\Archive and FOV still default, any help pls
It works for Chris only.
If you play as Sheva, there won’t be any change
can you do the same for sheva please?
Yes, I guess, check back in a few days.
*UPDATE* done!
Pretty please 🙂
Thank you very much! 🙂
Merci beaucoup,very good job!! i love your fov mod Big Thanks!!
Now do all the characters in merc mode!
lol jk
No way 🙂
Thanks. certainly a vast improvement.
Thanks for this, recently fired up RE5 and I forgot how nauseating the FOV was in this game. Had a headache within a couple minutes. TYVM
Works great, even Coop-mode.Thanks
Any way to get this to work with the costumes (such as Sheva’s business attire one)?
As there is “Normal” word in the file name – it works only with standard outfits. I, personally do not know how to make it work with custom ones, sorry.
Sorry, I thought you made it :-/ But now re-reading the post, I see you actually said “someone made” … can you tell me where the person who made it posts so I can ask them to make a Sheba Business FOV mod? lol thnx
New version here with all characters and 2 différents versions : http://residentevilmodding.boards.net/thread/5760/optimal-field-view-characters-supported
How curious, in the end Capcom used the same camera fov for the PS4 version.
Did you forgot to add password to extract the file
It’s really work.Thank you very much.I now playing very fine.I now playing the game without losing my eyes ;).